Thank you for your interest in the Fjällräven Industry Pro Program. Our program is for qualified full-time outdoor industry professionals and outdoor industry partners living in either the United States or Canada. Please read through the following categories to help determine your eligibility. You will be asked to provide personal documentation showing qualifications for the program. Verification of employment must be provided, along with other documentation as requested. Please keep in mind that your supporting documentation needs to demonstrate your full-time employment within the outdoor industry or tangential field, so please don't redact number of hours worked per pay period.
Membership is by application, and is not guaranteed for any individual (even in the categories below). The following categories are used as guidelines, but we evaluate each application individually and all participation is subject to approval. We reserve the right to make changes to the program or cancel membership at any time for any reasons, which include but are not limited to, a change in qualifying standards, program abuse, retailer or geographical distribution issues, etc.
Industry Pro Program Categories
- Full-time employees with an Outdoor Brand
- Full-time National Park Service employees or Parks Canada employees
- Active duty military/armed forces
- Police, Law Enforcement, Fire, EMS, Paramedic, Ambulance Service
- Certified and actively employed outdoor guides
- Explorer’s Club members
- Wildfire Services/Wilderness Firefighters
For all of the above categories, please include proof of full-time employment (ideally a current paystub), as well as any applicable certifications, membership details, or other pertinent documentation.
At this time, we are not accepting individuals in the below groups:
- Search & Rescue
- Media/Film/TV/Photographers/Content Creators
- National Ski Patrol
- Coaches/Athletes
- Students/Teachers
- Field Scientists/Biologists/Geologists
- Pilots (tourism, commercial, construction)
- Tourism
Unfortunately, we are not able to accept individuals with part-time positions, seasonal workers, or volunteers at this time.
Our current processing time for Industry Pro applications is around 4-6 weeks, but this timeline can be longer during high-volume periods. If you are accepted, you will receive a welcome letter with terms and conditions for the program. Please read the program guidelines and restrictions thoroughly and follow our guidelines to help ensure your continued participation.
To apply for the program, please visit the Industry Pro Registration page in your respective region (US here and Canada here). Then either create an account or sign into your existing account and submit your application. We will review and let you know if your application is approved for participation.